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Forceful Spending # 3

Thumbnail cover image Forceful Spending # 3

If you're not sure why I'm forcing myself to spend money, go ahead and read this first post I made about forceful spending.


Last month was the second time I forced myself to spend money on books, courses and other material that I believed would be valuable and contribute to my "education".

Just to recap, here are the things I bought last month:

  1. Desktop apps with Electron ($51.41 💰)
  2. Speed Up Your Django Tests ($45 💰)
  3. Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth ($20.76 💰)

What I enjoyed

Traction was great. As I implement strategies from this book I'll be referring back to it as a manual. Speed Up Your Django Tests is also great. It's an easy read, insightful, and full of knowledge that I'm using in my own projects.

What I didn't enjoy

I don't want to say that I didn't enjoy the Desktop apps course, but I do think it was slightly overpriced.

What will I do differently

I was able to go through each resource more thoroughly compared to the previous month when I'd bought 8 different things. I think I'll stick to buying items that range between $25-$40. However, there are a couple of books/courses that caught my eye this past month that I'd like to try.

Onto this month!

Forceful spending

There are only two books this time, compared to last months five books!

So here's the list of what was bought for this month:

NewsletterOS ($15 💰)

This is a comprehensive dashboard to help you curate, write, grow and make money from your newsletter. I've followed the creator, Janel, for quite some time now and am excited to go through this resource.

Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman ($14.73 💰)

Richard Feynman is one of the most well-known names in the world of science. A close friend of mine loved this book and highly recommended I read it.

Creative Schools: Revolutionizing Education from the Ground Up ($13.36 💰)

The late author, Sir Ken Robinson, did a TED talk that's been viewed 19 million times! It's funny, eye-opening and he's a great storyteller so I recommend giving it a watch.

Something profound he said in this talk is

If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original

Some food for thought.

Docker & Kubernetes: The Practical Guide ($8 💰)

Academind, the creators of this course, are some of my favourite course creators. I enjoy their teaching style and have only had good experiences. This course is 23 hours long!

I've now spent $51.09. While this doesn't meet the target of $100, these resources are enough to keep me busy learning for a good amount of time. During this month I'll update this post with any additions if I find I've gone through everything faster than expected. I'm quite excited to read these books, and I'll probably set aside a couple of hours to go through NewsletterOS thoroughly as I'm confident there's a lot of knowledge to go through.

If this has inspired you to invest in your learning, let me know how you've taken action!